Category: Social Sciences

  • Internal capsule microstructure mediates the relationship between childhood maltreatment and PTSD following adulthood trauma exposure

    Kessler RC, McLaughlin KA, Green JG, Gruber MJ, Sampson NA, Zaslavsky AM, et al. Childhood adversities and adult psychopathology in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Br J Psychiatry J Ment Sci. 2010;197:378–85. Article  Google Scholar  Fitzgerald JM, DiGangi JA, Phan KL. Functional neuroanatomy of emotion and its regulation in PTSD. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2018;26:116–28.…

  • Under the veil: women’s economic and marriage rights in Palestine

    In 2017, the Palestinian Supreme Constitutional Court received a constitutional challenge by referral from the Magistrate Court in relation to the international agreements ratified by the State of Palestine. This challenge requested a constitutional interpretation on whether the Palestinian Constitution accepts that international treaties and conventions ratified by the Palestinian Authority have superior authority over…

  • Decline in seasonal predictability potentially destabilized Classic Maya societies

    Iriarte, J. et al. The origins of amazonian landscapes: plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical south america. Quat.Sci. Rev. 248, 106582 (2020). Article  Google Scholar  Kennett, D. J. & Marwan, N. Climatic volatility, agricultural uncertainty, and the formation, consolidation and breakdown of preindustrial agrarian states. Philos. Transact. R. Soc. A:…

  • Individual differences in sensory processing sensitivity amplify effects of post-learning activity for better and for worse

    Memory retention without SPS as a covariate Immediate recall performance did not differ between the wakeful resting (M = 9.45, SD = 2.45) and the distraction (M = 9.81, SD = 2.47) post-encoding conditions, t(63) = − 1.23, p = 0.224. To test whether the number of correctly remembered words at Session 2 differed between conditions over time, we conducted a two-way repeated measures ANOVA with recall time…

  • Childhood volunteering encourages future voting in elections, study shows

    Childhood volunteering encourages future voting in elections, study shows

    Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Childhood volunteering encourages those from politically disengaged homes to go on and vote when they are older, a major new study shows. Community action leads to them becoming more interested in politics and to see voting as a duty, according to the research. However, volunteering didn’t have the same impact for…

  • Political division prolongs the immigration crisis, report says

    Political division prolongs the immigration crisis, report says

    Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The U.S. immigration system is slow and stymied by politics, but the border crisis represents an opportunity to address gaps in the American labor market, according to a new report from Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. The report, which combines the results of interviews from immigration scholars, lawyers and…

  • A new approach to measuring and understanding multidirectional polarization

    A new approach to measuring and understanding multidirectional polarization

    A cloud of users’ opinions with its center of mass marked with a red square and the main components as arrows with lengths proportional to their explained variances. Credit: Samuel Martín-Gutiérrez Germany, India, Mexico, and Spain. As multiparty democracies, these countries present a more complex picture of what brings people together—or divides them. Using social…

  • Where the sidewalk ends — ScienceDaily

    Where the sidewalk ends — ScienceDaily

    It’s easier than ever to view maps of any place you’d like to go — by car, that is. By foot is another matter. Most cities and towns in the U.S. do not have sidewalk maps, and pedestrians are usually left to fend for themselves: Can you walk from your hotel to the restaurants on…

  • Does the media propagate stereotypes?

    Does the media propagate stereotypes?

    Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The media have a powerful influence on how people view and treat different groups based on gender and ethnicity, as news stories shape people’s stereotypes, beliefs, and ultimately behaviors in areas such as education, family, and politics. It is, therefore, essential to understand how the media, and in particular news outlets,…

  • Study finds interracial connections were more than twice as likely to ‘defriend’ after the 2016 election

    Study finds interracial connections were more than twice as likely to ‘defriend’ after the 2016 election

    Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Interracial relationships between friends, acquaintances and relatives were more than twice as likely to dissolve after the 2016 election than those of the same race, a study recently published by sociologists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has found. The study examined “defriending,” the decision that we sometimes make to discontinue…