Category: Other

  • Harnessing big data for health equity through a comprehensive public database and data collection framework

    In April 2022, Health and Human Services (HHS) pledged 90 million USD to the American Rescue Plan Uniform Data System Patient-Level Submission (ARP-UDS+) funding award in support of new data-driven efforts for Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Programs to identify and reduce health disparities1. This sum is planned to be distributed to…

  • A simple way to improve employee well-being without denting productivity

    A simple way to improve employee well-being without denting productivity

    Credit: Photo generated using Midjourney/Bocconi University During the coronavirus lockdowns, 50% of European workers were estimated to engage in some form of smart working—smart working at its worst, though, because it was unplanned and in many cases full-time, with a strong potential to create a sense of social isolation. The flip side of the coin…

  • Study finds 90% of Australian teachers can’t afford to live where they teach

    90% of teaching positions in NSW are located in areas where housing is unaffordable on a teacher’s salary. Credit: Shutterstock The teaching profession is already struggling with shortages and a lack of new candidates in a situation widely regarded as a crisis. Now, research warns that teachers are being priced out of housing near their…

  • Physical chemists develop photochromic active colloids shedding light on the development of new smart active materials

    In nature, the skin of cephalopods (animals with tentacles attached to the head) exhibits unparalleled camouflage ability. Their skin contains pigment groups that can sense changes in environmental light conditions and adjust their appearance through the action of pigment cells. Although intricate in nature, this colour-changing ability is fundamentally based on a mechanical mechanism in…

  • The FAIR Cookbook – the essential resource for and by FAIR doers

    Use it, adopt it, join it: A practical guide in the FAIRification journey Created by researchers and data managers professionals from the public and private sectors, the FAIR Cookbook is an online resource that delivers content (“recipes”) to help users make and keep data FAIR, with a specific focus in the field of Life Sciences.…

  • FAIR in action – a flexible framework to guide FAIRification

    Our FAIRification framework ( consists of three distinct components, shown in Fig. 1: a reusable FAIRification Process, which outlines the main phases of a FAIRification activity; a FAIRification Template, which breaks down key elements of the process into a series of steps to follow when undertaking a FAIR transformation; and a FAIRification Workplan layout, which provides…

  • China overtakes United States on contribution to research in Nature Index

    The Chinese Academy of Sciences’s Ming’antu observing station in China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region.Credit: Lian Zhen/Xinhua/Alamy For the first time, China has overtaken the United States as the number one ranked country or territory for contributions to research articles published in the Nature Index group of high-quality natural-science journals. Data on author affiliations from the…

  • displaced researchers share their stories

    displaced researchers share their stories

    Adam Levy: 00:03 Hello, I’m Adam Levy and this is Working Scientist, a Nature Careers podcast. This episode: displaced scientists. A research career can present challenges, whatever the context, from the pressure to publish to searching for a stable academic position. But what happens when progress and stability are ripped apart, and a scientist needs…

  • The future of chemistry is language

    Large language models such as GPT-4 have been approaching human-level ability across many expert domains. GPT-4 can accomplish complex tasks in chemistry purely from English instructions, which may transform the future of chemistry. Large language models (LLMs) predict an output sequence from an input sequence. For example, you could input “ethanol” and it will output…

  • Rejuvenation of an ancient observatory in southern India

    The history of Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) Astronomical Observatory extends back to 1837, when it was established at a latitude of 8 degrees, 30 minutes, 35 seconds north and a longitude of 76 degrees, 59 minutes, 45 seconds east by the then-King Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma of the Travancore kingdom2. He envisioned it as a means of…