Category: 4. Physics

  • Tunnelling electrons locally ignite excitons

    Tunnelling electrons locally ignite excitons Continue Reading News Source:

  • Defect modeling and control in structurally and compositionally complex materials

    Pantelides, S. T. The electronic structure of impurities and other point defects in semiconductors. Rev. Mod. Phys. 50, 797–858 (1978). Article  Google Scholar  Estreicher, S. K. Hydrogen-related defects in crystalline semiconductors: a theorist’s perspective. Mater. Sci. Eng. R. Rep. 14, 319–412 (1995). Article  Google Scholar  Kim, H. & Chelikowsky, J. R. Theoretical scanning tunneling microscopy…

  • Substrate effects on spin relaxation in two-dimensional Dirac materials with strong spin-orbit coupling

    First-principles density-matrix dynamics for spin relaxation We solve the quantum master equation of density-matrix \(\rho \left(t\right)\) as the following20: $$\begin{array}{ll}\dfrac{d{\rho }_{12}\left(t\right)}{dt}\,=\,-\dfrac{i}{\hslash }{\left[{H}_{e},\rho \left(t\right)\right]}_{12}\,+\,\left(\begin{array}{c}\frac{1}{2}{\sum }_{345}\left\{\begin{array}{c}{\left[I-\rho \left(t\right)\right]}_{13}{P}_{32,45}{\rho }_{45}\left(t\right)\\ -{\left[I-\rho \left(t\right)\right]}_{45}{P}_{45,13}^{* }{\rho }_{32}\left(t\right)\end{array}\right\}\\ +H.C.\end{array}\right),\end{array}$$ … Continue Reading News Source:

  • Accelerating the design of compositionally complex materials via physics-informed artificial intelligence

    Raabe, D., Tasan, C. C. & Olivetti, E. A. Strategies for improving the sustainability of structural metals. Nature 575, 64–74 (2019). Article  Google Scholar  Olivetti, E. A. & Cullen, J. M. Toward a sustainable materials system. Science 360, 1396–1398 (2018). Article  Google Scholar  Reed, R. C. The Superalloys (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009); Suzuki, A.,…

  • A new way to Weyl

    A new way to Weyl Continue Reading News Source:

  • Short-term memory capacity analysis of Lu3Fe4Co0.5Si0.5O12-based spin cluster glass towards reservoir computing

    Big data needs a hardware revolution. Nature 554, 145–146 (2018). Shastri, B. J. et al. Photonics for artificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing. Nat. Photon. 15, 102–114 (2021). ADS  CAS  Google Scholar  Roy, K., Jaiswal, A. & Panda, P. Towards spike-based machine intelligence with neuromorphic computing. Nature 575, 607–617 (2019). ADS  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar  van…

  • Exploiting dark autoionizing states for enhancing extreme ultraviolet lasers

    An international research team led by Professors Tsuneyuki Ozaki and François Légaré at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) in Canada, has developed a unique method to enhance the power of a laser source emitting extreme ultraviolet light pulses. Credit: INRS An international research team led by Professors Tsuneyuki Ozaki and François Légaré…

  • Moiré superlattices show superpower in photonics and optoelectronics

    Moiré superlattices show superpower in photonics and optoelectronics

    Moiré photonics and optoelectronics. Credit: Institute of Physics Researchers from the Institute of Physics (IOP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, collaborating with international colleagues, have presented an overview of recent progress in emerging moiré photonics and optoelectronics. It was published in Science on March 30. Moiré superlattices are artificial quantum materials formed by… Continue…

  • Ultrasmall swirling magnetic vortices detected in iron-containing material

    Ultrasmall swirling magnetic vortices detected in iron-containing material

    Simulation capturing the different swirling textures of skyrmions and merons observed in ferromagnet thin film. Credit: University of Edinburgh/based on microscopy images collected by Argonne on samples prepared at MagLab Microelectronics forms the foundation of much modern technology today, including smartphones, laptops and even supercomputers. It is based on the ability to allow and stop…

  • Controlling turbulent heat transport by manipulating coherent structures

    Controlling turbulent heat transport by manipulating coherent structures

    Instantaneous flow fields (a, b) and time-averaged heat flux fields (c, d) in a canonical thermal turbulence system with rectangular geometry. By applying spatial confinement through decreasing the lateral sizes of the system, the domain-sized circulatory flow is replaced by more energetic thermal coherent structures (indicated by the red/blue structures). This manipulation in the coherent…